Baumbach Name Iinformation about Baumbach plumbing, the first women master plumber in the World, Baumbach's looking for Baumbach's, the history of Baumbach plumbing from Arlington Virginia and Fairfax Virginia, the history of the Baumbach family name and much more...
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Please be sure to visit the Baumbach history web site at and learn more about the Baumbachs involvements in the plumbing profession, including a great deal of information and history of Baumbachs in Germany and other parts of the World.

Baumbach has been Busy Since 1928 and is a pioneer and leader in the plumbing trade. The founder W. J. Baumbach started as a plumber at the age of 19 way back in 1928. His daughter Lillian Ann Baumbach at the age of 21 became the first woman master plumber in the World in 1951. Mr. Baumbachs two sons William and Andy became master plumbers in the 90's.

To learn more about each person just click on their name:

William J. Baumbach | Lillian A. Baumbach | William J. Baumbach II | Andy B. Baumbach

Baumbach plumbing is TOP RATED by Washingtonian Magazine.

Baumbach plumbing is member of the NFIB National Federation of Independent Businesses.