Baumbach Name Iinformation about Baumbach plumbing, the first women master plumber in the World, Baumbach's looking for Baumbach's, the history of Baumbach plumbing from Arlington Virginia and Fairfax Virginia, the history of the Baumbach family name and much more...

LillianLillian and her mother

Left Lillian in her 20's I would assume / Right Lillian and her mother Louise Baumbach


Lillian First Plumber

Added 04-14-15 picture of Lillien on the phone, From the Library of Virginia's collection.
February 18, 1951
Caption: “Arlington, VA. - Lillian Ann Baumbach, the first woman Master Plumber in the Arlington area, takes a call from a customer in her capacity as service manager of the W.J. Baumbach Plumbing and Heating Co., her father’s business. Lillian, who certainly doesn’t look the part, is mighty handy with a wrench in her own right. She’s just 21 and still single.”

Added 02-04-17 

Added 03-10-21

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