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Baumbach castle pictures and Video

During my TWO trips to Germany. The first was July 1996 the second for was for the Baumbach Worldwide Family meeting in September 2000 . I took some amateur pictures and videotape which includes a tour of the inside and outside of the castle. 

You can get about 120 4x6 amateur color print pictures taken in 2000 and about a two hour videotape I took while participating in a short tour of the Baumbach Castle and surrounding grounds given by Friedrich-Wilhelm Baumbach of Germany with the other Baumbach members from the USA that joined us in Germany for the September 2000 meeting. Included is about one hour from 1996 and one from 2000. More details of the video content are listed below

I have made seven copies of each so first come first served

Do to my out of pocket expense incurred to make the copies I will need to ask for money to cover my expenses.

Videotape $5.00 Always easy to make copies.
120 color prints $30.00 01-26-2003 SOLD OUT, I have the negatives should you want to pay extra for reprints.
Shipping US Priority mail insured $7.00
TOTAL $40.00

Mail check or money order to:

William J. Baumbach II
2380 Mountain Road
Haymarket, Virginia. 20169

Or you can call 703-791-9522 and leave a message with your credit card information I also can accept payment through my ID is

Here is more information 

This is almost a full two-hour amateur videotape of the Baumbach castle located in the little village of Nentershausen Germany. The first approximate 45 minutes is from the trip I made in July 1996. The approximate 1 hour and 10 minutes remaining from the trip I made during August and September 2000.

To help you understand what you are seeing on the video this is a very brief explanation. The first part taken in 1996 by me (William J. Baumbach II.) With me is my girlfriend Regina Bennett who translated and Regina's two kids Jennifer and Mark. The two trips were our family vacation; I have edited the tapes to remove most of the family only related content.

First is one of the cemeteries in the town of Ransbach-Baumbach its located off highway #3 and highway #48 to the Northeast of Koblenz near the city of Montabaur. I found no Baumbachs living or buried there. This is a large town / city that makes a lot of pottery and as a shopping mall.

Next I went to Alheim-Baumbach it's located South of the City Kassel on the Fulda river in the County of Alheim off highway #83 near the City of Rotenburg above the small farm town is a park. I found no Baumbachs living or buried there either.

I moved on to the Baumbach castle, known as Tannenberg in Nentershausen. I first explored the castle with just my family members but later came back with one of the owners Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach.

One of the houses owned by the German Baumbach Family. Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach is showing us around and Regina is translating. It's used to store many very old Baumbach family antiques and relics spanning many hundred of years. Most of the very important Baumbach records are in a fireproof, climate controlled building, the location is talk about a few time in the video.

Back to the castle but this time Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach who is giving some explanation is guiding us.

From the castle to Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach home/office.

The church in Nentershausen and about one block up the hill is a cemetery with many Baumbachs tombstones.

This concludes my 1996 trip. Next it a trip make four years later in 2000 for a meeting that includes other Baumbachs from America.

August 2000, four years later, I have returned one week early for the Saturday September 9th US Baumbachs and The Friends of Tannenberg association meeting. With me, (William J. Baumbach II) age 37 this time is again Regina Bennett, for the first time my Son William J. Baumbach III (Willie) age 20, my daughter Lisa Marie Baumbach age 18 and my brother Andrew Bernard Baumbach (Andy) who is age 35. 

A backside view of the castle from the top of a hill. 

Tour with explanation of the castle by Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach, this was done for the benefit of my brother who could not be here on the 9th for the meeting, he had to leave early.

About one week later Saturday September 9th 2000 Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach building complex and the first breakfast with the Baumbachs from the USA.

To the castle with Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbach and the American Baumbachs for a tour that is longer and better then the ones I had before. However, all of them share important historical information.

That afternoon the US Baumbachs meet over lunch at a restaurant in Nentershausen just down the street form the castle to discus the possible origination of a non-profit association to raise money to support the castle.

At the castle 3pm with the American Baumbachs and about 30 members of The Friends of Tannenberg association for the big meeting. The yearly dues doubled to 50 DM, about $25.00 and I (William J. Baumbach II) was voted in as board member making him the first American.

The Baumbachs house with a small group to see the antiques and relics.

That night we all gathered back at the castle for a fun-filled night with medieval dinner, period music, and show.

Last day for me, Sunday September 10th Friedrich took a group of US Baumbachs on a very enjoyable wagon / tractor ride over to a nearby town celebrating their 1,225 year.

Finally the church and cemetery up the hill in Nentershausen, and of course, my plane back home.