05-13-08 Glen Allen Lodge No. 131 has their first Table Lodge. 76 pictures.
05-12-08 Right Worshipful Ed Ray receiving his 50 year Masonic Veteran certificate and pin. Hosted by Hay Market Lodge No. 313 and held at the Gainesville United Methodist Church. There were over 175 people present to honor Brother Ed Ray for all that he has done for the craft over the years. There was the current and three Past Grand Masters. Ed Ray was also surprised with a birthday cake for his upcoming 80th. 130 pictures. plus another 37 from Bro. Steve Sylvester.
37 from Bro. Steve Sylvester.
04-26-08 OV Dinner visit to districts 7 and 10, held at Gordonsville fire department, check out the custom trowel made from a railroad spike. 62 pictures.
04-25-08 OV dinner visit to districts 1A, 1B and 54, with over 225 Masons and their wives, held at the GWMM. City of Alexandria declares Friday April 25th 2008 Grand Master, Most Worshipful Edmond Cohen day. And presents him the key to the City! 77 pictures
MW. Ed Cohen and Vice Mayor Redella S. "Del" Pepper of the City of Alexandria.
Key to the City
04-24-08 Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 Charter night, 20 pictures
04-21-08 OV to District 29 at Dupont Lodge No. 289, 21 pictures
04-14-08 OV to District 8 at Kilwinning Cross Lodge No. 2-237, 28 pictures
04-12-08 Kena Shriners Potentate Ball, you can view them on this website http://www.kena.org/potentates_ball_08.htm Since I am both the Potentates and Grand Master photographer, the 180 pictures count for both :-)