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Last updated 02/24/2013 11:57 AM I am still missing about 12 names
The honoring our fallen Brother, former President Gerald R Ford that took place December 31st 2006 is a very important part of Masonic history and the details and facts need to be documented now for the sake of history. This has turned out to be a very popular historic Masonic event, so I think it is important that it be documented as detailed and accurately as possible for the historians and others that generations from now have an interest in this.
Unfortunately there was no sign-in sheet to document who attended this historic event. I need help in putting names, titles, and lodge affiliation to about 40 of the 53 Brethren faces.
I spent a very long time looking at each of the 86 original pictures and cutting-out from each the best copy of each person face.
Please provide as much information about each person that you can, title, full name, and lodge affiliation and lodge location, etc.
There is a number below each picture to identify it, please send the number so that I can match the information you send me to the correct person. example.
Picture number 60 is
Brother William J. Baumbach II
Acacia Lodge No. 16
Clifton Virginia
Any other applicable information, Title, Past Master, Most Worshipful, etc.
I have done my best to assure there is only one picture for each person, if you see a duplication please let me know what their numbers are.
Please email the information to me at
click on image above to see a much larger version, it is the high resolution
copy 2.5megs. The faces of everyone in this picture and ones from the other
pictures I have should be below.
Brother Robin Bodie, Potomac Lodge No. 5 Washington DC
Worshipful Ralph Smith, Secretary of Henry Lodge No. 57 Fairfax Virginia
Brother Jeffrey D. St. Onge, Junior Warden of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4.
Worshipful Maximilian G. Ullmann, Past Master of Italia Lodge No. 2001 Washington DC. Grand Chancellor Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. 32 KCCH Scottish Rite Masons, Valley of Washington DC
Brother Alan Patterson, Senior Warden of Naval Lodge No. 4. Washington, DC.
He gave the speech on the video
Worshipful Master Carl Lester Garris III of Cherrydale No. 42 Arlington Virginia
Worshipful Master Charles E. Blue of Justice-Columbia Lodge No. 3 Washington DC.
Brother Jacob Wood of Naval Lodge No. 4 Washington DC.
Worshipful W. Clesson McDonald Jr. Past Master of Henry Lodge No. 57 Fairfax Virginia
Most Excellent & Rite Worshipful Howard F. Coleman MEPGHP PGHP RAM of Hudson-Morris Lodge No. 80 King George Virginia. Past Master, Past District Deputy Grand Master 8th Masonic District, Past Grand High Priest of Virginia Royal Arch.
Worshipful Master Merriman F.C. Parkinson of Samuel Gompers-Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 45 Washington DC.
Brother Peter W. Brusoe. past International Master Councilor for DeMolay International. Masters Lodge No. 5 Albany New York.
Brother Jeremy S. Barns SW of Potomac Lodge No. 5 Washington DC.
Carol Patterson. Wife of Worshipful Jay Patterson Herndon Lodge No. 263
Picture #34
Worshipful Donald Ellis Strehle Past Master of Cherrydale No. 42 of Arlington Virginia
Brother Nader Tabbara Senior Deacon of Justice-Columbia Lodge No. 3 Washington DC.
Brother Shelby L. Chandler II Junior Deacon of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4. Fredericksburg Virginia
Worshipful WB Arthur Lawson, East Gate Lodge No. 34 Washington DC.
Brother Joshua Rubin Senior Steward of Samuel Gompers-Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 45 Washington DC.
Brother David Torchinsky Junior Deacon of Samuel Gompers-Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 45 Washington DC.
Worshipful Master Jon V. Shelton of Acacia Lodge No. 16 Clifton Virginia
remove duplicate
remove duplicate of 25
Grand Deputy Vickie Starr of Maryland Rainbow and wife of Past Grand Master Robert H. Starr
Worshipful Master Jay Patterson of Herndon Lodge No. 264 Herndon Virginia
Wife in picture 22
Brother John Patrick Clair Junior Warden of Cherrydale Lodge No. 42 Arlington Virginia
Rite Worshipful William Shortt
District Masonic Home Ambassador (DMHA) for Virginia Masonic District 1B
Past District Deputy Grand Master for VA Dist. 1B in 2002
Perfect Union Lodge No. 10 - San Antonio, Texas (Mother Lodge)
Springfield Lodge No. 217 - Springfield Virginia (Primary Virginia Lodge)
Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 219 - Mt. Vernon Virginia (Past Secretary)
Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 - Sea of Tranquility on the Moon (Under the
Jurisdiction of Texas - meeting in Waco.)
Worshipful Master Arleigh Rice of Henry Lodge No. 57 Fairfax Virginia
Brother Fred D. Dickson Jr. Howard Lodge No. 101 Elkridge Maryland
Brother Gregory Bard of Federal Lodge No. 1 Washington DC.
41 removed 02-19-08 was a women
Brother David R. Hill Senior Warden of Acacia Lodge No. 16 Clifton Virginia
Worshipful Master Joseph L. Bongiovi Master of Edward H. Cann Daylight Lodge No. 1752 Fredericksburg Virginia and a member of Fredericksburg lodge No. 4 Fredericksburg Virginia
Brother David E. Cole of Sojourner Kilwinning Lodge No. 1798 Washington DC
removed duplicate of 6
Brother John Paul Charneco
Theodore Roosevelt Lodge No. 415, F&A.M., New Orleans, LA
Level Lodge No. 373, F&A.M., Metaire, LA
Concorde Chapter No. 2, R.A.M.
Louisiana Council No. 2, R.&S.M.
Jacques De Molay Commandery No.2, K.T.
Don Gauger, Junior Warden of Herndon Lodge No. 264 Herndon Virginia
Worshipful Teko A. Foly Grand High Priest of Grand Chapter Royal Arch Chapter
Washington DC
SGS of GL of DC and Sr.Gr Steward of GL of DC and PM of East Gate Lodge
Brother David Johnson Junior Deacon of Naval Lodge No. 4 Washington DC
Brother David was the one that initiated this and sent the first email December
29, 2006 3:44 PM "calling all masons available to help us in honoring our fallen
brother President Gerald R. Ford"
Brother David T. Lang Junior Warden of Freedom Lodge No. 118 Lovettsville
District 2 District Education Officer and member of Henry Lodge No. 57 Fairfax
Worshipful William G. L. Turner Past Master of Arlington Centennial-Glebe
Lodge No. 81 Arlington Virginia
Past National Commander of the National Sojourners. 33 degree Scottish Rite
Mason and active in DC Masonic events and a member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4
Fredericksburg Virginia
Most Worshipful Robert H. Starr Past Grand Master (2002) of Washington DC
Worshipful John Jordan Past Master Camp Springs Lodge No. 227 Camp Springs Maryland
Worshipful Travis Sanchez Hilliard Past Master of Cherrydale Lodge No. 42 Arlington Virginia
Most Worshipful Jules S. Tepper Past Grand Master (2003) of Washington DC
Interviewed by ABC News
Popular quote from that interview in reference to Brother ford was
"He built character. He built integrity. He built honesty and put the nation
back on a even course"
Brother William James Baumbach II of Acacia Lodge No. 16 Clifton Virginia and
member of Cochran Lodge No. 271 The Plains Virginia
Photographer of this event
Brother Christopher Lyons Secretary of Naval Lodge No. 4 Washington DC
Paul Rich - Unclear of Lodge here is his e-mail address
removed duplicate of 28
65 and 66 might be the same
this one is a mystery to me, I only see him in the group picture on the fare left, he is not in any other pictures that I can see.
66 and 65 might be the same
Note that the news media had reported over 80 of us. The group picture has 51 people in it, there are two know not to be in it because they are taking pictures, Bro William Baumbach and Bro. David Johnson to see all faces in the group picture you will need to see the ones taken at different angles.
My official count from doing a head count in the picture is 51 in the group photo where it's known TWO taking pictures, so my official head count is 53, no more then 55 max.
Brother David Johnson, Junior Deacon - Naval Lodge No. 4 Washington DC. was the person who initiate The honoring of our fallen Brother, former President Gerald R Ford, a historic Masonic event.
From: [] On Behalf Of Jack
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 5:02 PM
To: Masons Listserv
Cc: David Johnson
Subject: [Masons] State Funeral for President and Ill. Gerald R. Fo rd, 33º
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Johnson" (address removed)
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: State Funeral for Gerald Ford
We've got ahold of WB Hugh Shawen, who as tiler of Lafayette Dupont has keys to the building. We'll open up the hall and meet at Naval at 10:30 and try to provide at least donuts and coffee for everyone.
Please feel free to edit the following accordingly and distribute to the grand lodge list that all are invited to join us in honoring our fallen brother.
We are calling all masons available to help us in honoring our fallen brother President Gerald R. Ford, 33rd deg.
We are going to gather at Naval Lodge Hall at 10:30 AM Sunday Morning, December 31st, and walk together to the Capitol Rotunda where the body is lying in state. Please dress accordingly in mourning clothes, dark suits or formal attire. With the Grand Master's approval, officers should wear jewels and collars.
We appreciate everyone's attendance on Sunday morning and New Year's Eve Day.
Please call Naval J.W. David Johnson at 202-255-9073 or Naval S.W.
Alan Patterson at 202-423-9211 with any questions.
Masonic Abbreviation Ledger (non-official and not complete)
AS Assistant Steward
BC Blood Coordinator
Br. Brother
Bro Brother
CH Chaplain
DBC District Blood Coordinator
DDGHP District Deputy Grand High Priest
DDGM District Deputy Grand Master
DEO District Education Officer
DIW District Instructor of Work
DMHA District Masonic Home Ambassador
GM Grand Master
GHP Grand High Priest
GR Grand
GS Grand Secretary
GJD Grand Junior Deacon
GJS Grand Junior Steward
GSS Grand Senior Steward
GSW Grand Senior Warden
JD Junior Deacon
JS Junior Steward
JW Junior Warden
LEO Lodge Education Officer
LIW Lodge Instructor of Work
Marshal Marshal
MHA Masonic Home Ambassador (MaHaVaAmb)
Mt. Most
Mt. Ex. Most Excellent
Mt. Wor. Most Worshipful
MW Most Worshipful
PDDGM Past District Deputy Grand Master
PHP Past High Priest
PGM Past Grand Master
PM Past Master
RAM Royal Arch Mason
Rt. Wor. Rite Worshipful
RW. Rite Worshipful
SF Sincerely & Fraternally
S & F Sincerely & Fraternally
SD Senior Deacon
SS Senior Steward
SW Senior Warden
Wr. Worshipful
Wor Worshipful
WM Worshipful Master